We think it’s important to play by the rules. That’s because we don’t like conflicts. So here are the standard rules for you. We will add alternative ones as we go along.

You can also go “we’ll just play along and see what happens, who needs rules anyway?”. That’s equivalent to not having a safeword if you are into, well… you know. And we all know how that ends, don’t we?

How to play illustration


Max time per round

Don’t want to get into arguments over who put the pen down second last? Go for a fixed time per round instead. We suggest 30-60 seconds works well depending on how speedy you are.

Best (or worst) answer

In case you want to reward creativity and get even more quirky answers out of your friends, do add an extra 3 points each for “Best answer”. Each round, a player can then nominate an answer and if the majority agrees, the player who wrote it gets an extra 3 points. You cannot nominate yourself, that would be self-righteous.

Points for all!

In the standard rules, you get 1 point per correct answer no matter how many around the table who shared that answer. You can change it up by instead awarding 1 point per every person who shared the correct answer. Meaning if you shared one of your answers with 5 other players, you all get 5 points instead of 1.

Only 2 players? No problem!

Are your friends sick, occupied with watching boring series or kids? You donät need them! All you need is one single person to satisfy your need to list things. The Listit 2 player version is here!
How to play
  1. You start with 5 lives
  2. One player chooses a category, picks a card and reads the question
  3. Both players MUST put a star to one of their answers
  4. You individually bet either 1, 2 or 3 points on your star
    • Meaning: if you feel certain your co-player will also have it on their list, bet 3 points. Otherwise, settle for 2 or chicken out with 1 😉
  5. Players list their items individually
  6. Match your lists (-> see scorekeeping)
  7. Move on to next round
  • Each correct answer gives 1 point
  • A correct star-marked answer gives 1 to 3 points depending on your bet
  • An incorrect star-marked answer gives -1, to -3 points depending on your bet
  • If both players have marked the SAME answer with a star, you get an extra life
End of game
  • In each round, you must get a minimum of 7 points. Otherwise, you lose a life
    • If you think it’s too hard (or too easy!) just adjust the points you need per round
  • When you are out of lives, the game ends
  • Note how many rounds you managed to stay alive and try to beat it next time 🙂